Race Details

RACE DATE Saturday 18 May 2024
ENTRY FEE View entry fees
DISTANCE & ELEVATION 100.4km with 4460m+/- elevation gain
START TIME 6:20am – 7:54am
START LINE Scenic World - Violet St and Cliff Dr, Katoomba NSW.
BUSES There will be a free shuttle bus service to take runners, support crews and spectators between Katoomba town centre and Scenic World / KCC. Details on the transport services page. 
FINISH LINE Scenic World  - Violet St and Cliff Dr, Katoomba NSW.

Race entry, race pack, finisher medal, finisher certificate, fully stocked checkpoints, drop bag service, on-course medical support and assistance, course photography.

The coveted Ultra-Trail Australia belt buckles will be awarded to runners as they cross the finish line based on their start group times:

  • Gold Buckle to the winning male and female
  • Silver Buckle
    • Male sub 14 hours
    • Female sub 16 hours
  • Bronze Buckle
    • Male between 14 and 20 hours
    • Female between 16 and 22 hours
  • There will be a special over 70’s Buckle awarded to all finishers over the age of 70,

All finishers after 20 hours will receive a finisher medal.

All runners must carry mandatory gear during the race. Details are on the mandatory gear page.

START GROUP SELECTION There are multiple different start groups. View the Start Group Selection page to assist you in making an appropriate selection.
MINIMUM AGE 18 years of age on race day
CUTOFF PACE REQUIRED (min/km) 16:48/km
EXPECTED TIME FINAL FINISHER 28 hours (11:54am, Sunday)

The following age divisions for both male and female will be used for the results (age on day of race is used to determine your division):

  • 18-24
  • 25-29
  • 30-34
  • 35-39
  • 40-44
  • 45-49
  • 50-54
  • 55-59
  • 60-64
  • 65-69
  • 70-74
  • 75+ years
  • 1st place overall male and female in UTA100 - $1,500 (AUD)
  • 10 fastest male and females receive a trophy
  • 5 fastest male and females receive free entry to the following year’s event
  • Trophies will be awarded to 1st, 2nd & 3rd  in each division
UTMB Qualifying 2025


  • The UTA100 is a UTMB Worlds Series 100K Event 
  • Finishers of UTA100 will receive 3 running stones
  • Please note finishers of UTA100 in 2023 already have 3 running stones
Western States Qualifying 2025 The 2024 Ultra-Trail Australia 100 is a qualifying race for the 2025 Western States 100.
Runners who complete UTA100 in 19 hours or less will qualify to enter a lottery where the runners for Western States will be selected.

All information subject to change

UTA100 Race Rules


Golden Stairs, Ironpot Ridge, Leura Forest, Wentworth Falls, Kedumba Pass, Furber Steps – names that have that become trail running legend as part of the iconic UTA100 course.

It’s the race that every trail runner in Australia aspires to do at least once … but all too often, once is never enough.

You start at the famous Scenic World in the idyllic town of Katoomba and experience a mix of terrain - mostly single track and wide trails - and a mix of emotions as you run through the very special World Heritage listed national park of the Blue Mountains.

After some lush bushland, beautiful escarpments, epic ridgelines, 5 checkpoints and about 99kms you’ll stand at the bottom of the most famous set of steps in trail running... just 951 of them are between you and the finish line back at Scenic World.



UTA23 102

Note: the map above gives a generalized representation of the course. See GPX files and Capra Maps for more detailed course maps.

Race day GPX

View on Capra

Ultra Trail Australia 100


Note: GPX files will read different distance and elevation depending on which platform you use and due to the tight, twisty nature of the trails which can be measured differently. They are intended to act as a reference and guide, not as exact measurements.

Check out the training on course page for information.

View the track closures from NPWS and BMCC before heading out. 

Course is subject to change



path 5

44% Paths

Walking tracks, single track

Tracks 3

45% Tracks

Fire roads, dirt roads

road 1

11% Roads

Bitumen roads








Start Scenic World 0km   Yes Yes
Checkpoint 1 Golden Stairs 10.7km 10:22am No No
Checkpoint 2 Foggy Knob 32.4km 3.00pm Saturday No No
Checkpoint 3 Six Foot Track 46km 6.50pm Saturday Yes Yes
Checkpoint 4 Katoomba Aquatic Centre 57.3km 10.00pm Saturday Yes Yes
Checkpoint 5 Fairmont Resort 69.5km 2.35am Sunday Yes No
Checkpoint 6 Queen Victoria Hospital 78.7km 5.45am Sunday Yes Yes
Checkpoint 7 Emergency Aid Station 91.5km N/A No No
Finish Scenic World 100km 11.54am Sunday Yes Yes

*The cut-off times are for leaving the relevant checkpoint. If you miss the cut-off then you must follow the directions of officials. Please note that in bad weather conditions, cut-offs may need to be brought forward during the event.

Checkpoints are generously stocked with:

  • Lollies
  • Naak Nutrition 
  • Water
  • Fruit
  • Bakery goods
  • Hot water, tea, coffee, soup
  • Toilets

The order of the checkpoint offerings will be:

Food > Fruit > Drinks

Please note we are a cup-less event. In an effort to cut down on waste, we will have no drinking cups at checkpoints. You will need to carry a cup or hydration pack with you. Limited stock of cups and hydrations packs will be available for sale at the event expo, but we encourage you to purchase one in advance and use it in your training.

Signs will be placed 200 metres before each checkpoints and exit signs will indicate the distance to the next checkpoint.

First Aid will be available at each checkpoint, Fairmont Resort Water Point, the Emergency Aid Station and the finish. There will also be roving first aid crews on the course.

There will be port-a-loos at the start, all checkpoints and the Emergency Aid Station. There will be flushing toilets at Fairmont Resort Water Point and the Finish.

If you are using a support crew you must also read the Support Crew section.

Drop Bags

A drop bag service will be available which allows you to have your own personal supplies (gels, food, change of socks, shoes, shorts, lubricant, etc.) available at certain check points or at the finish.

Your bag needs be closable and soft and a reasonable size. Cool-bags from the big supermarkets are perfect! In line with our commitment to sustainability please don’t use plastic bags or plastic boxes – these will not be accepted. One drop bag per runner is allowed for each locations.

Checkpoint drop bags can be delivered to the checkpoint trucks at race check-In on the Friday between 10:00am and 7:00pm. Please don't be early, as if not placed directly into the correct checkpoint trucks they may go missing!

Finish line drop bags can be left in the designated area near the start line at Scenic World on Saturday morning.

Drop bags will be returned to the drop bag marquee at Scenic World within 4 hours after the relevant checkpoint cut-off time. Collect by showing your race number. Any drop bags not collected by midday on the Sunday will be disposed of.

  • Please don’t use glass bottles/jars
  • Clearly mark your drop-bag using permanent marker pen with the provided stickers in your race pack. These will be colour coded based on the CP location, have the name of the CP on and your bib number. 
  • At checkpoints and the finish line - drop bags will be lined up numerical order. Any bags without or clearly written/visible with a name and race number, will placed at the end of the number range.
  • Only the runner can collect their drop bag at the drop bag locations. Once each checkpoint drop bag is finished with it must be taken to the used drop bag pile.
  • There is a drop bag service for runners without a support crew. Runners may use a mixture of support crew at some checkpoints and the drop bag service at other checkpoints. Please don’t use the drop bag service for any checkpoints where your support crew will be.

bag drop

volunteers aid station refill

Support Crew

We love support crews almost as much as our runners at Ultra-Trail Australia by UTMB – you are always the most colourful (and loudest!) and a huge part of the magical atmosphere of the whole weekend.

You also have the very important job of getting your runners to the finish line.

First job for support crew is to read the support crew section in the Runner Guide, available one month before the event. It contains important information you will need to know for the event.

To keep the event manageable as well as fair and safe for all athletes, and to make sure support crews do not get lost, there is some information that support crews need to know.

  • Support crews are only allowed to assist runners at Checkpoints 3, 4, 5 and 6 (these checkpoints can be accessed with a standard 2-wheel drive)
  • For safety reasons, support crews are not allowed at, or anywhere near the top of the Golden Stairs, Checkpoint 1 or Checkpoint 2, even just to spectate.
  • Support crews cannot drive, ride or walk on any section of Glenraphael Drive (the access road to Checkpoint 1).
  • Support crews cannot drive, ride or walk along Megalong Valley Road South of the entrance to Checkpoint 3.
  • Pacers are not allowed for athletes in any distance.
  • Support crews cannot run alongside their runners at any point on the course outside of the aid stations.

For more helpful information please visit the transport services page and spectators page.


Six Foot Track Driving directions