Athletes who will enhance the competitiveness of the UTA100 and UTA50 races, and the international profile of the event are invited to apply for travel assistance. The assistance offered is in three tiers.

2024 Elite Applications opening September 2023.

Please contact for any further queries

Selection Criteria

General Selection Criteria for all levels

Athletes for all three levels will be selected according to:

  • Ability to enhance the competitiveness of the event (based on their race CV)
  • Social media following and use of social media
  • Being approachable and available to their fans during event week
  • Willingness of your sponsors (if sponsored) to help promote your participation in the event and share UTA social media relevant to your performance
  • Country representation – to ensure we have an international field If your sponsors are bringing a media crew (i.e photographer / video) to cover your performance and the event
  • Relationships with existing national and international media

Athlete Obligations for all levels

Athletes for all levels will be expected to:

  • Participate in the nominated event to the best of their abilities
  • Be available for race social media – i.e. photos and interviews
  • Take part in the race week activities including Athlete Panel, athlete activations, presentations etc
  • Write a race report via an athlete blog, or social media page and tag Ultra-Trail Australia
  • Engage with race staff and fellow participants in a friendly and respectful manner and demonstrate good sportsmanship throughout the event
  • Tag Ultra-Trail Australia in all race related social media posts

Level 1

Ultra-Trail World Tour
Elite Athlete Assistance Programme (UTA100 only) 

UTWT and UTA will together choose the three to six athletes to be supported. Applications are to be made directly to UTWT.

Assistance Available:

  • Return international flights to Sydney
  • 4 Nights accommodation in Katoomba
  • Guaranteed race entry
  • Free race entry

Level 2

(UTA100 and UTA50 only)

Selection criteria:

  • Previous podium finishers of Ultra-Trail Australia
  • Podium finishers of major trail ultra races globally, including all UTWT races

Assistance Available:

  • 3 nights accommodation in Katoomba
  • Guaranteed race entry
  • Free race entry

Level 3

(Any Distance)

Selection criteria:

  • Previous podium finishers of Ultra-Trail Australia
  • Podium finishers of major trail ultra races globally, including all UTWT races
  • Podium finishers of major endurance events such as an Ironman
  • Evidence of ability to be a potential race podium finisher

Assistance Available:

  • Guaranteed race entry
  • Free race entry