Volunteer Roles Now Open!

13 April 2023

Sign up for vollie roles at UTA 2023 is now live at the volunteer page.

Vollies are the heart and soul of UTA. Whether they're checking you in and giving you your bib, checking your mandatory gear, receiving your drop bags, marshaling you at the start line, pointing you in the right direction on course, filling your flask with water, feeding you, motivating you or putting medals around your neck as you cross the finish line, it's pretty plain to see that this event would not exist without them!

Many of our volunteers are runners who are supporting runners by volunteering on a day they're not running and family and friends of runners helping out. It's why the UTA community is such an amazing one - everyone chips in to help their fellow runners achieve whatever they set out to do.

It's no short stretch to say that our volunteers have a life changing effect on our runners - some kind motivating words, a pat on the back, or even a cup of hot soup can have all the impact in the world when you're in a dark place.

If you want to have that kind of impact, help contribute to the success of the event and of course don a very fashionable orange vest, you can sign up to a variety of vollie roles now over on the volunteer page of our website.

Oh, and don't forget every vollie role you complete gets you a transferable priority entry (separate to all other priority entries) for the 2024 event!