How To Follow The Race

9 May 2021

Looking for your race day trail running content fix? There are a few different ways to follow the racing and your runners during UTA 2021.

  • Want to watch the elite's battle it out at the front end of the field? Tune in to our live commentaryOur expert trail commentary team will be providing race updates throughout the day, with photos and videos from out on the trail, insight into the elite runners, and telling the story as our runners journey through the Blue Mountains! You’ll also have the opportunity to comment, ask questions, and even contribute content throughout the day to help tell the story. 
  • All about the fun checkpoints, trail frothers, excitable vollies and stunning scenery? Our Facebook and Instagram channels will be pumping with imagery from around course each day.
  • Want to follow your family and friends? Download the app and watch their splits as they make their way around course, and use LiveTrail for predictive tracking.
  • And finally, we all want to see the emotion as runners cross the finish line, so tune in to the finish line camera to see your loved ones crushing their goals and making it across the line! 

Whichever way you want to follow the race, there will be plenty of action, so stay tuned for your trail running content fix!

UTA21 FBpost How to Follow date