Event Updates

21 February 2023

Hey UTA runners. It’s been a little while since we’ve given you an update on how we’re progressing towards the 15th edition of Ultra-Trail Australia by UTMB. We’ve learnt a lot from last year, we know it wasn’t up to the standard that you expect. We’ve taken on board your feedback and how we can be better. Here’s an update on how we’re tracking for May and what you can expect.


We know that this is the biggest question on everyone’s mind.

The great news is that the Blue Mountains are recovering well from the damage inflicted by record rainfall in 2022. Trails are open and safe to use, and event planning is progressing well. What does this mean? We’re all set to return to our traditional UTA courses in 2023!

This will come with a few changes from previous years, namely:

  • A new CP1 for the UTA100 at Medlow Gap
  • UTA50 won’t go out Glenraphael Drive, instead will have a different 2km section before hitting single track.
  • The UTA22 and UTA11 will have wave rolling starts, as they did in 2022, to reduce congestion. A seeded mass start for wave one will operate for those top runners looking to make the overall podium.

As always, anything prior to race day that impacts the safety of our trail community could lead to changes. If this is the case, we will keep runners informed along the way with updates via email and social media.

Finish/Start Venue

In 2023, we’re returning the start and finish line for all distances back across the road to Scenic World, where we’ll be making more use of the bus carpark area to create an intimate and functional trail village for UTA.

We’re excited to return to the iconic home of UTA at Scenic World, with the goose-bump inducing start under the arch, the intimate feelings of the crowd lined chute, and the echoes of the atmosphere as you climb all 951 Furber Steps.


The 1km-4-Kids is one of our favourite parts of any UTA week, and we’ve missed it over the last few years, just like you. We’re bringing it back bigger than ever in 2023 - a free entry race for all kids, with bibs, medals and plenty of good times. More details will be coming soon.

15 Year Celebrations

To celebrate 15 years of this event, we’re planning to host a range of festival events and additions for runners to experience and enjoy. Things like live podcast shows, Q+As with people from the UTA and trail community, a shakeout run, athlete perks and more. Keep an eye out as we announce these in the build up to the event.

So that’s our update for now. There’s lots happening and we’ll be keeping you in the loop as we get closer to the event. Thanks for sticking by us as we worked through a difficult few years, and we look forward to seeing you on the trails of the Blue Mountains soon.