Entries Re-Open 2 June

11 May 2022

With the 2022 event being postponed to 27-30 October, we’ve had a few runners let us know that they will unfortunately not be able to make the new dates. We're gutted they won’t be joining us up in the Blue Mountains this year, but it does mean that a limited of places on the UTA start line across all 4 distances have become available.

Ultra-Trail Australia by UTMB will be re-opening 2022 entries at 11am AEST 2 June, and with just over 5 months to go until race week, there's still plenty of time to get training and join us on the trails. In saying that, numbers are super-limited, so if you want a spot on the start line you'll need to be ready and raring to go at 11am AEST.

Grab your mates, block out some time in the calendar and get excited to hit the trails in October!