Blue Mountains Local Poppy Capewell Gearing Up for Pug Patrol Mission

9 May 2023

Twelve-year-old Poppy Capewell is set to run her first ever trail event when she takes on the 11km at the 2023 Ultra-Trail Australia by UTMB on Thursday 11 May.

Poppy, who has Scoliosis and Beckwith Weideman syndrome, is taking on the challenge to raise money for Pug Patrol Rescue Australia – in honour of her beloved pug ‘Gemima Grease Monkey’, who passed away in September 2022.

So far, Poppy has raised over $3,500 for the charity and has an ambitious target of $10,000 to help rescue pugs who need a second chance at life.

Poppy has never run anything like this before. Her Scoliosis means she has to wear a back brace for 20 hours a day, something she has worn since she was seven years old. Beckwith Weideman syndrome also affects her muscles and how she grows. And on top of that, Poppy has Autism and ADHD.

But none of these medical conditions are going to stop her. Poppy is tough and determined, and above all else is looking forward to running alongside her dad, Rob, who will be joining Poppy in running the 11km at UTA next month.

“I’ve enjoyed crossing the line with my dad in his previous events and have been waiting to turn 12 so I can finally run with him,” said Poppy. “I just want to enjoy running with him, but I also want to beat him!”

UTA celebrates its 15th anniversary this year and Rob was one of 157 brave runners who took on the inaugural event back in 2008 – at the time a single distance ultramarathon consisting of 100km of stunning trails through the Blue Mountains.

The event has grown substantially since then, now attracting around 7,000 people across four distances (11km, 22km, 50km, 100km) for a multi-day festival of trail running.

“Back in 2008 my mate asked me if I fancied doing a 100km run so I agreed having no idea what I was doing. It was very raw,” said Rob. “Fifteen years on and I still love the event and always book two weeks off in May every year for prep and recovery. Very proud that this year will be my 14th UTA event which includes five 100kms and five 50kms.”

This year, Rob will be dialling back the kilometres so he can share the UTA experience with his daughter. Poppy has been attending the event for many years supporting her dad’s efforts, but in 2023 the father-daughter duo will take to the trails together for the ultimate bonding experience.

“It’s very special and different this year. Instead of pounding the trail for hours on my own I can enjoy it with Pops. She has been waiting to turn 12 so she could run it and crossing the line with her will be the best finish ever,” said Rob.

“I’m so proud of her as she has to overcome disabilities including scoliosis and autism as well as take on the tough UTA course. And she’s also doing it to raise money for Pug Patrol Rescue Australia, which is awesome because we love pugs.”

With her pug Gemima firmly in her memory, Poppy is looking forward to being part of UTA with her dad and running for a charity she holds close to her heart.

“I love Pug Patrol Rescue Australia because they rescue pugs for all kinds of reasons. They might have been left, or a puppy mill pug, or even hurt. Pug Patrol Rescue will take pugs in, look after them, make them better, and find them a loving new home. But the cost to make the pugs better costs a lot of money. This is why I want to raise as much as I can for them so the rescued pugs will have an amazing life like my Gemima did,” said Poppy.

To donate to Poppy’s fundraising efforts for Pug Patrol Rescue Australia click here.