A message of thanks

traditional custodians

We would like to show gratitude and respect to the Gedumba and Therabulat clans of the Gundungurra nation, the traditional custodians of the land that is travelled by runners in Ultra-Trail Australia. Through this collaboration, all UTA runners have the privilege of experiencing some of the most spectacular landscapes Australia has to offer. We have no doubt this experience instils, and grows a desire, to nurture and protect this amazing Country for future generations and we are committed to working in genuine partnership with the Aboriginal community.

private landholders 

We would also like to recognise and thank the private landholders that kindly grant us access to the trails passing through their properties. We are very grateful for all of the collaborative partnerships we have developed, the cooperation and support found in these relationships has truly allowed Ultra-Trail Australia to develop the most amazing course possible.

didgeridoos culture destination music

Ultra-Trail Australia is grateful to work collaboratively with the following landholders.


DNSW2   Bmcc