Mandatory Gear Lists

The mandatory gear list contains what we believe is the absolute minimum to keep you safe during the event and in the Blue Mountain’s unpredictable weather systems. If you would normally take something extra on a run of this duration, you should still take it.

The course passes through remote trails, where protection from the elements and medical/support services could be some time/distance from athletes needing assistance. It is therefore imperative that the mandatory gear is carried at all times.

In order to reduce waste, we are a cupless event. Athletes are strongly advised to carry their own drinking cup, bottle or hydration vest that they can use at aid stations for the selection of drinks. We recommend you also carry water between aid stations.

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bib gear 100km

Weather Dependent Mandatory Gear Rulings

Announcements on items on each Mandatory Gear list that are marked as "weather dependant" will be made at 9am the morning before each race. You can view the rulings below when they are live.


  • Long Sleeve Thermal Top: not mandatory 
  • Seam-Sealed Waterproof Jacket: not mandatory 


  • Long Sleeve Thermal Top: Mandatory, must be carried from the start 
  • Seam-Sealed Waterproof Jacket: not mandatory 


  • High-Visibility Safety Vest: Mandatory - must be carried from the start, as potential heavy fog predicted. To be worn as directed by event crew.


  • Long Leg Waterproof Pants: must be carried if leaving CP4 - Katoomba Aquatic Centre after 4pm OR CP6 - Queen Vic Hospital after 7pm. Leave in CP4 or CP6 drop bag based on your expected timing.
  • 100-Weight (Minimum) Long Sleeve Synthetic Fleece Top: must be carried if leaving CP4 - Katoomba Aquatic Centre after 4pm OR CP6 - Queen Vic Hospital after 7pm. Leave in CP4 or CP6 drop bag based on your expected timing.


All runners in UTA100 need to have their mandatory gear checked before they can collect their race pack at race check-In. There are two options for getting your gear checked:

  1. Gear Check Store - Between 11 January and 10 May perform an early gear check at one of the gear check stores in NSW, ACT, VIC, QLD, SA, WA or TAS. This is the best option to save you time and effort during race weekend.

  2. Gear Check at race check-In - Have your gear checked at Race Check-In immediately prior to collecting your race pack. This is the least preferable option as it can make your Race Check-In take much longer.

If you fail the gear check at race check-in, you will need to find a replacement item before you can collect your race number.

If you completed an early gear check but forget to bring your certificate to race check-in our team will be able to look you up in the database and issue you with a new certificate.

Athletes must carry the mandatory gear at all times during the race. No mandatory gear = no start! All athletes should be prepared for random spot checks, and if you are missing any item you will not be allowed to continue until the item can be replaced. You will also receive a time penalty.